Let's get the legal hoopla out of the way:
I have personally dealt with these products / services in one form or fashion while furthering my firearm education for my students and would not offer them here if I didn't think they were worth your time or money.
These merchants know the best marketing is word of mouth, and I will gladly speak highly of each one.
**In case you were not aware Victory Arms, LLC would be paid a small commission should you decide to purchase anything from these links. As stated above; these companies have all either supplied product for review or had products purchased by me in the past.
Said reviews will eventually end up on a blog or direct write-up, in future material promotions or used in hosted course material. I don't believe in wasting your time with things like crappy holsters or shoddy customer service to make a quick dollar - I strive to break past most folks' perception of "Just the guy you see when you need advice on a new gun or need a course to tick a box on a permit renewal." that you can find literally anywhere on the internet.
I work hard to build trust and respect with customers and fellow businesses alike and wouldn't throw it out for pennies on the dollar.
If you feel that is somehow misleading, contact me.